Requirements concerning the content
of texts submitted for publication with the Philological Forum journal
Original scholarly works conforming with the written standard of their respective language (a Slavic language, English, German, French, Spanish, Italian and Romanian) and with academic writing standards may be considered for publication.
Texts submitted for publication must:
contain a clear thesis statement, which allows the researcher’s individual approach and contribution to be ascertained;
contain a reasoned and consistent body of arguments demonstrating awareness of the relevant literature and situating the contribution of the researcher in it;
not infringe copyright and comply with the principles of citation of scholarly works and full references to texts, the author ensuring compliance with the journal’s technical requirements;
feature a clear conclusion, providing justification for the results of the research on which the text is based;
feature an accurate bibliography containing the academic texts used (references to non-academic texts are not permissible) in compliance with the journal’s technical requirements.
The team of editors reserves its right not to publish texts that do not comply with the content and technical requirements of the journal.
for the technical formatting of manuscripts
Size of manuscripts
Abstract and keywords in English
Abstract and keywords in a Slavic language:
Main article text:
Images may not span beyond the A4 format and it must be possible to scale these down. They must be drawn using drawing software such as Corel (7, 8), Adobe Illustrator (5, 7, 8), Adobe Photoshop (4, 5).
In-text citations
An in-text citation must be placed in round brackets and must refer to the bibliography, which follows the main body of text and is arranged alphabetically. All entries in the bibliography not originally in the Latin script must be transliterated using the following on-line converter: Where the translations of texts are cited, the original spelling of the author’s family name must be preserved (for instance, Baudelaire remains ‘Baudelaire’ and is not converted to ‘Bodler’). In the bibliography, where any transliterations are featured, these must immediately be followed by the original spelling, which has to be placed in square brackets.
Where the text cited is part of a collection, it must be preceded by ‘– In:’. Where the text cited is published of a journal, it must be preceded by ‘–’.
The names of journals must be written in full.
Where collected works forming part of a series are cited, the title must be followed by the name of the series and the number of the relevant volume, both placed in brackets: Minkova, M. The Personal Names of the Latin Inscriptions in Bulgaria. Frankfurt am Main, 2000.(Studien zur klassischen Philologie, B. 118).
Citations of translated texts must follow their definitive translations, with the name of the translator(s) stated in the bibliography. Where the author has produced their own translation, this must be stated in a footnote the first time the relevant text is cited.
Longer citations (longer than 3 lines) must be set off in individual paragraphs, introduced by an indent and formatted as follows: Times New Roman, Size 11, Normal, Justified, Line Spacing 1.5. Electronic sources must be cited in line with the models provided below.
In text:
(Ivanov, Georgiev 1975: 45-47)
(Boyadzhiev 2004a: 111; 2004b: 30)
(Boyadzhiev 1997: 80; Georgiev 2002; 2007)
In bibliography:
Rivеrs 1999: Rivars, F. Plodat na izkuplenieto. Prev. P. Ganev. Dobrich: Menora Pres, 1999. [Ривърс 1999: Ривърс, Ф. Плодът на изкуплението. Прев. П. Ганев. Добрич: Менора Прес, 1999.]
Sirakov 1981: Sirakov, D. Statisticheski metodi. Sofiya: Nauka i izkustvo, 1981. [Сираков 1981: Сираков, Д. Статистически методи. София: Наука и изкуство, 1981.]
Georgiev 2002: Georgiev, N. Prevaplashteniyata na Nane Vute. – In: Analizatsionni nablyudeniya. Elektronno izdatelstvo LiterNet, 2002. [date of entering 24.11.2007]. <> [Георгиев 2002: Георгиев, Н. Превъплъщенията на Нане Вуте. – В: Анализационни наблюдения. Електронно издателство LiterNet, 2002. [прегледан 24.11.2007]. <>.]
Georgiev 2007: Georgiev, N. Literaturoznanieto vchera, dnes, utre. – Elektronno spisanie LiterNet, 11 (96). [date of entering 24.11.2007]. <>. [Георгиев 2007: Георгиев, Н. Литературознанието вчера, днес, утре. – Електронно списание LiterNet, 11 (96). [прегледан 24.11.2007]. <>.]
Bloch 1999: Bloch, E. Choveshkoto samootchuzhdenie. – In: Idei i kulturologiya. T. 3. Sast. D. Ginev. Sofiya: UI „Sv. Kliment Ohridski“, 1998. [Блох 1999: Блох, Е. Човешкото самоотчуждение. – В: Идеи и културология. Т. 3. Съст. Д. Гинев. София: УИ „Св. Климент Охридски“, 1998.]
Vekilska 1993: Vekilska, B. Pedagogicheski eksperimenti v savremennata epoha. – Godishnik SU, FNPP, 76/1993, 15–20. [Векилска 1993: Векилска, Б. Педагогически експерименти в съвременната епоха. – Годишник СУ, ФНПП, 76/1993, 15–20.]
Boyadzhiev 1997: Boyadzhiev, D. Proverka na hipotezata. – Ezik i literatura, 3–4/1997, 76–88. [Бояджиев 1997: Бояджиев, Д. Проверка на хипотезата. – Език и литература, 3–4/1997, 76–88.]
When submitting a manuscript via the ScholarOne Manuscripts system, each author must upload a file containing information about themselves (including their e-mail address), which may not be longer than 100 words, and a signed authorship declaration. By signing the declaration, authors acknowledge their agreement with the ethical standards and copyright policy of the Philological Forum journal. All material must be submitted electronically via the ScholarOne Manuscripts system. Guidelines on the submission of manuscripts may be found here. Where less frequently used fonts or photographs are used, these must be submitted in the form of font files and as .PDF files.
Authors may not receive back the manuscripts they have submitted.
The team of editors is not under an obligation to offer its reasons for refusing publication in writing where the aforementioned requirements have not been satisfied.
After an issue has been published, texts in it may not be revised.